We hosted friends and family for winter solstice.
We culled Clyde the turkey for dinner, we had friends and nieghbors with us for the culling. Most of the time it is just Coral. Unfortunatly we learned that Big Turkey necks are much harder to cut off than chickens and small turkeys, live and learn!
We started the day off with a wonderfully cleansing Sweat lodge. After the sweat our neighbor Jamie came over and led us all in a wonderfully releasing yoga session.
After Yoga we went over to another neighbor, Randy Redhawk’s, place for a ceremonial fire. His daughter hope lit the fire by rubbing two sticks together. Inside the fire was a large wooden phoenix. As the fire died down a metal phoenix rose from the ashes.
Discovered that in a matter of minutes the chickens raided the garden and ate everything!!!
Clean out and set up 3 guest bedrooms around the house in preparation for friends and family visit.